Accountability Buddy

Application Form

Accountability buddies are a great way to enjoy some more personal support, connection, and accountability to help you make your important transformations! They can make all the difference in helping you build momentum with your transformations, deal with the inevitable setbacks that are part of any process of change, and continue developing new habits and mindsets until they stick!
Some important notes on accountability buddies to help you understand if having (and being) one is right for you …
  • Accountability buddies are optional. You don’t have to have one as part of your TSC membership! They are a two-way commitment, so we recommend only interested members apply 🙂 
  • Good support is a two-way street. Accountability buddies are prepared to supportand to be supported. If you’re not up for that commitment right now, that’s fine – it is best for you to receive your support from Glenn and his special guests in the webinars, and the TSC Coaches and your fellow members in the member-only Facebook group for now 🙂
  • Your buddy relationship is to be nurtured. Like any relationship, it takes compassion and understanding, mutual positive regard, and some effort for it to flourish! When we match you with an accountability buddy, we will help you get to know each other, and are here to help you with any challenges you may experience along the way. Apart from that, it’s up to you to become great mates-in-transformation! 🙂